Tuesday, May 1

Lustre Glaze - 1960s Modern

The second glaze I want to highlight is the near psychedelic Lustre Glaze produced mainly for the Presley Ware range in the 1960s. Some vases also received a Paramount sticker. According to Gail Henry's book, this glaze was introduced by one of Titian's skilled crafts-people - Mary Baillie. Mary Baillie had learned these techniques at, of all places, Royal Doulton in the UK.


The glaze came in three main colours - Cerise Red Lustre, Blue Lustre and a wondrous Avocado Green Lustre

Deep Cerise Red Lustre Glaze sample:

Blue Lustre Glaze Sample:
This glaze is hard to photograph. It looks grey here but is a
much more vivid blue in the flesh

Green Lustre Glaze sample:
The vitrification properties of this glaze seem to give it a tendency to
 have yellow/gold highlights which makes it  exceptionally attractive

This glaze range lends itself to being collected in threes of the same shape, giving a pleasing interior design effect in certain contexts.
The above shape is numbered T 103 (Titian article number 3).
The largest vase in the range displayed above is the Large Urn with fluted sides numbered ***.
As can be seen, the size of the oil-on-water like effect of this glaze can vary considerably. Some prefer a finer texture to the glaze (as above) and some a bigger globual coverage as in the following example.
Numbered V 117 (Vase number 17).
A very elegant and it seems popular shape at the time, numbered PV. 113 (Paramount Vase number 13)
My personal favourite of the glazes it the avocado green, which is just beautiful.

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